Chung Shun-Wen
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Chung Shun-Wen was born into a distinguished lineage of scholars, artists, politicians and poets in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. She studied initially at Changhua Normal University, majoring in the Taiwanese tradition of ‘glue painting’, a laborious practice involving the use of ground natural mineral pigments mixed with a binder. In 2006 Chung was awarded an MFA from Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan. Chung Shun-Wen’s family are the wellsprings of her work. Her grandfather, Chung Li-Ho, was a famous novelist, her father, Chung Tieh-Min, an award-winning writer. The artist lives in the important Hakka village of Meinong, with its memorial to her grandfather, whose life was the subject of a 1980 film directed by Li Hsing, ‘China, My Native Land.’ Chung Li-Ho died of tuberculosis in 1960 at the age of forty-four, and his widow then raised their four children alone. This extraordinary and resilient woman, Chung Tai-Mei, lived to be ninety-seven, and the artist has fond memories of a strong character who coped courageously with repeated hardships and tragedies. She now features in many paintings from a series of works made between 2008 – 2009. Chung Shun-Wen’s work has been exhibited in private galleries in Kaohsiung, Taipei and Taichung, Taiwan; in the Sun Yat-sen Museum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Kaohsiung Hakka Cultural Museum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Changhua County Cultural Affairs Bureau, Changhua, Taiwan; and the Providence University Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan.

The White Rabbit Collection is one of the world’s most extensive and significant collections of contemporary art from China. With a focus on works created since the year 2000, the Collection contains almost 3,000 works by over 750 artists and continues to expand. Note that when you click on the link below you will be forwarded to the White Rabbit Collection website.
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