Ren Hang
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Ren Hang was a highly acclaimed photographer known for his playful and provocative capturing of the Beijing youth sub-culture. Ren Hang did not formally study art or photography. His works are easily recognisable for their celebration of the naked body of people of all genders, surreal and sculptural intertwining of limbs, red lipstick and nails, animals and props, and his exploration of Chinese queerness. At 27 years old, he had already exhibited over 50 times in countries including France, Italy, the UK, the Netherlands, and of course, China. Ren Hang passed away on February 24th 2017.

The White Rabbit Collection is one of the world’s most extensive and significant collections of contemporary art from China. With a focus on works created since the year 2000, the Collection contains almost 3,000 works by over 750 artists and continues to expand. Note that when you click on the link below you will be forwarded to the White Rabbit Collection website.
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