Shu Yong
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Born in 1974 in Xupu, Hunan Province, Shu Yong is best known for his installation of translucent ‘bricks’ containing Chinese and English phrases derived from Google Translate, shown at the 2013 Venice Biennale. A multi-disciplinary artist, he has worked in sculpture, performance, installation and photographic media, often returning to his favourite theme and image of the bubble – whether in the form of gigantic pairs of impossibly voluptuous sculpted breasts, hyper-realist paintings, mass bubble-blowing events, or his series of photographs of Pearl River Delta entrepreneurs and businessmen pictured in their offices, surrounded by iridescent soap bubbles. Shu Yong lives and works between Guangzhou and Beijing.

The White Rabbit Collection is one of the world’s most extensive and significant collections of contemporary art from China. With a focus on works created since the year 2000, the Collection contains almost 3,000 works by over 750 artists and continues to expand. Note that when you click on the link below you will be forwarded to the White Rabbit Collection website.
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