The first ten years of the White Rabbit
THEN celebrates the great adventure of White Rabbit’s first decade: ten exciting years of showcasing the creative energy, daring and technical accomplishment of Chinese contemporary art. The gallery’s tenth anniversary exhibition presents works by more than 60 artists, all produced during the first ten years of Judith Neilson’s private collection (2000-2010). Some were highlights of the very first White Rabbit exhibition, in 2009.
Sweeping social change at the end of the 20th century meant that Chinese artists at the start of the 21st found themselves in a world that had been utterly transformed. They responded by embracing new influences from overseas and from within China. Re-examining and reinventing Chinese art traditions, playfully fusing them with the best of international contemporaneity, they created an eclectic mash-up of past and present, and east and west.
Their provocative work celebrated – and satirised – a society in flux. A fire-engine red, pig-like car with an 11-metre protruding tongue; a giant pair of pink, neon-lit underpants with a soundtrack of Shanghai love songs; a dusty minivan that ‘breathes’; an installation of 1500 knitted strawberries – the sheer inventiveness of artists revelling in new-found freedoms challenged clichéd perceptions of China. From embroidered portraits of grinning world leaders to American and Chinese flags made up of corporate logos, the artists in THEN examine the paradoxes of a nation on fast forward.
The first decade of this ‘Chinese century’ was the moment that Chinese contemporary art exploded into the international arena. THEN tells the story of White Rabbit’s first, boldly adventurous decade – a journey into the unknown that parallels the ambition and audacity of contemporary Chinese art.
550 x 160 x 160 cm
290 x 120 x 200 cm
77 x 33 x 27 cm
280 x 220 cm
200 x 160 cm
150 x 200 cm
200 x 150 cm
207 x 531 cm
142 x 85 x 125 cm
125 x 88 x 155 cm
200 x 320 cm
dimensions variable
110 x 110 x 110 cm
140 x 120 x 195 cm
dimensions variable
dimensions variable
60 x 80 cm x 9 pieces
69 x 139 x 73.5 cm
2 min 28 sec
45.9 x 68.6 cm
162 x 80 cm
200 x 250 cm
comic books, each 8 x 10 cm
dimensions variable
112 x 74 cm x 8 pieces
45 x 45 cm x 12 pieces
20 pieces life size
100 x 67 cm
100 x 67 cm
100 x 67 cm
100 x 67 cm
100 x 67 cm
100 x 67 cm
100 x 67 cm
5 panels, total 160 x 900 cm
both 100 x 80 cm
each 150 x 150 cm
both 210 x 180 cm
each 87.3 x 130 cm
180 x 216 cm
both 180 x 141 cm
video 12 min 15 sec
both 120 x 100 cm
both 90 x 160 cm
170 x 300 x 120 cm
each 40 x 40 cm
dimensions variable
5 minutes 45 seconds
100 x 80 cm
200 x 250 cm
both 134 x 186 cm
each 114 x 91 cm