Serve the People
A slogan of the 1966–76 Cultural Revolution, “Serve the People” meant serving the great cause of socialism. Artists were crucial to that effort, but they had to make the right kinds of art: Soviet-style socialist realism or ink painting on revolutionary themes. All other art forms, Western or Chinese, were banned, and those who dared to practise them were vilified as capitalist-roaders and traitors.
The “opening up” that began in the 1980s led to a more expansive view of artists’ role: now they would serve the people by boosting China’s national image and income. “Today,” says artist Liu Dahong, “we have a new cultural revolution.” The art market is booming and artists have unprecedented freedom to experiment and travel. And they serve people—and not only China’s people—in wildly different and distinctly individual ways. Many are rediscovering and revitalising the traditions that the Cultural Revolutionaries set out to destroy. Some struggle to separate history from ideology; others question the overlap—greater than ever in the digital age—between fact and fakery. Critiques of consumerism are common; a few artists express cautious criticism of corruption and censorship as well. But even those who focus on personal themes serve others by helping them see in new ways.
Serve the People surveys the best works of this new revolution, all as individual as their creators: from Yan Siwen’s old-fashioned love story and MadeIn’s glorious multicultural mash-up to Chili’s comic opera and Jin Feng’s 100-year history, printed from tank tyres and a broken statue of Mao.
363 x 355 x 70 cm
dimensions variable
195 x 60 x 85 cm
12 panels
each 50 x 50 cm
dimensions variable
200 x 150 cm
220 x 70 x 165 cm
350 x 240 x 20 cm
2 min 40 sec
170 x 130 cm each
40.6 x 40.6 cm
180 x 180 cm
various dimensions
200 x 250 cm
dimensions variable
3 min
each 80 x 80 cm
dimensions variable
100 x 80 cm
100 x 80 cm
15 x 500 x 350 cm
116 x 65 x 80 cm
259 x 194 cm
dimensions variable
dimensions variable
24 x various dimensions
various dimensions
134.5 x 134.5 cm
130 x 130 cm
130 x 130 cm
dimensions variable
dimensions variable
122 x 217 cm
video animation projection
157 x 122 cm