White Rabbit Gallery -



19 07.09.2018–03.02.2019


Visions of the Future

In imperial China, scholars, painters and poets often retreated into the mountains in uncertain times, finding solace from political intrigue in the harmonious relationships of yin and yang in the natural world. The ancient Chinese believed that mountains were the home of the gods. Today, mountains are bulldozed to make way for new roads and high-speed rail lines leading to mega-cities and the skies above too often choked with ‘fog and haze’. This is the world of the artists shown in SUPERNATURAL.

Uncanny events and strange transformations abound in their voyage through earthly and unearthly realms. Hybrid, insect-winged men fly overhead, dystopian neon-lit cities are patrolled by one-eyed surveillance creatures, and mountains are made not of rock, but from knitted wire, projected light or slabs of oil paint. These artists apply a contemporary visual language to examine our endangered world, and their work is a wake-up call for humanity. Even so, their practice is informed by traditions of ink painting and calligraphy and by a Chinese tendency to look inwards, as if to the hidden caves of the Immortals. Chinese artists once looked for worlds within worlds, just as garden designers created separate ‘rooms’ that could be glimpsed from a crooked bridge, or through a moon window. Today, though, they are as likely to view nature on a pixelated screen as to see it through a window. SUPERNATURAL takes us on a journey through this re-shaped landscape of the twenty-first century.

Li Shan Deviation, 2017 cast silicone, plastic, natural and synthetic fibres, paint
dimensions variable
Chen Wei Future and Modern, 2014 archival print
100 x 125 cm
Ai Weiwei Oil Spill, 2006 porcelain
dimensions variable
Wu Yuren Lightbox, 2013 archival print
150 x 187.5 cm
Chen Wei Today is Unsuitable for Shooting, 2013 archival print
100 x 125 cm
Huang Xiaoliang East Window—Untitled #20150513, 2015 pigment print on fibre paper
120 x 180 cm
Huang Xiaoliang East Window—Untitled #20151121, 2015 pigment print on fibre paper, 108 x 180 cm
Li Ming Zoom, 2014 2 channel video
23 min 7 sec
Qiu Anxiong New Classic of Mountains and Seas Part 3, 2013–2017 video
25 minutes
Song Ling Wildlife 2, 2017 ink on paper, 3 panels
172 x 260cm
Wang Jiuliang Beijing Besieged by Waste, digital print on fine art paper
110 x 220 cm x 4 pieces
Zhao Yao Wonder—20150908, 2015 wool, nylon
215 x 230 x 64 cm
Zhou Xiaohu Garden of Earthly Delights, 2016 2 channel video
22 minutes
Feng Yan Zhongnan Mountain Rock 06, 2014 digital print
204 x 136 cm
Zhang Yingnan Untitled—Early Spring, 2011 inkjet pigment print
180 x 122 cm
He Sen Rockery, Lotus Leaf and Flower, 2012–2013 oil on canvas
both 50 x 60 cm
Hsu Yu-Jen Landscape Series, 2010 wire, dimensions variable
Ju Anqi Poet on a Business Trip, 2015 video, 103 minutes
Liang Shaoji Cocoon Bottle, Dagoba, 2015 porcelain and silkworm threads
dimensions variable
Qiu Zhijie The Heritage of the Third World, 2013 ink on paper, 146 x 183 cm
Wu Chi-Tao Reflections of Floating Islands, 2015 ink and colour on handmade paper,
12 pcs each 31 x 20 cm
Wu Chi-Tsung Wire IV, 2009 metal, gladd and acrylic, dimensions variable
Xiao Yu Translocation 0C & 0D, 2018 bronze, dimensions variable
Yang Maoyuan Sky, 2015 inkjet prints, hand-painted cardboard frames, 35 pcs each 22 x 44 cm
Yang Shen Ducks Mocking Sailor, Sailor and Monster, 2016 oil on canvas
both 210 x 175 cm
Zhao Xuebing Dry Season 2, 3, 4, 5, 2014 oil on wood
each 14.5 x 21.5 cm
Zhu Changquan Head without Brain 3, 2016–2017 digital print on lightbox
160 x 120 cm
Zhu Changquan Head without Brain 5, 2016–2017 digital print on lightbox
120 x 160 cm
Yang Wei-Lin Ocean of Cloth Wheels and Floating Islands, 2013–2016 cotton cloth, indigo dye, ramie thread, paperclips, plastic discs, dimensions variable
Virtual Tour
Supernatural exhibition artwork
Past Exhibitions
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