I Loved You
Love Turns Up in unexpected places
The time between messages, the length between reunions, the distance between lovers – our intimate lives are filled with spaces. Whether they be passionate or painful, absences punctuate our daily routines with reminders of a beloved when they are no longer there. From heady first meetings to bittersweet goodbyes, throughout it all, love haunts us like a ghost.
Where have we looked for love? Within a humble bowl of rice or the fantasy of a boyband, either real or imagined, the artists in I Loved You search for the sites of our intimate lives. Qiu Jiongjiong leads us beneath the bustle of Beijing to a smoky underground bar echoing with songs of longing. Gao Rong recreates the warmth of her grandparents’ home with needle and thread, rendering brick as soft as a favourite sweater. For Hu Weiyi the trace of love lingers for a moment on his partner’s skin. For Jiang Zhi its memory burns brightly like a flower caught ablaze. From old rickshaws to abandoned playgrounds, love turns up in unexpected places.
Yet love can seem as elusive as a flower in a mirror or the moon in water. Written under the haze of intoxication, Shi Yong immortalises the fevered poetry of his friend in a pool of red neon lights. Glimmering like the embers of a fading fire, his work conjures the words of Pushkin: “I loved you; and perhaps I love you still / The flame, perhaps, is not extinguished…”
Photography by Hamish McIntosh
500 x 500cm
Ink and watercolour on paper mounted on linen
283.5 x 159 x 8 cm framed
67 x 100cm
100 x 67cm
Numbers 1, 3 and 6 are 67.5 x 35 cm each
Numbers 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 are 68.5 x 35cm each
14 minutes 46 seconds
Dimensions variable, 20 pieces
165 x 135 x 150 cm
Four pieces, 120 x 100 cm
200 x 150 cm
200 x 150 cm
300 x 200 cm
200 x 300 cm
5 minutes, 46 seconds
75 x 100 cm
75 x 100 cm
75 x 100 cm
75 x 100 cm
115 x 150 cm
160 x 120 cm each, 6 pieces
216 x 198 cm
4 panels, each 300 x 220 cm
106 x 80 cm, 14 pieces (only 6 included)
1 piece, 70 x 138 cm
Dimensions variable, 8 pieces
106.6 x 108 cm, 3 pieces
Dimensions variable, 28 signs
prints 2 pieces, each framed 42 x 55 cm
Dimensions variable, 6 pieces
165 x 70 x 220 cm
76 x 86 x 40.5 cm
177 x 89 x 54 cm
142 x 199 cm
Dimensions Variable
142 x 199 cm
140.5 x 198 cm
triptych 204.5 x 342 cm
quadriptych 200 x 568 cm
94 x 90 x 92 cm
133 x 63 x 44 cm
120 minutes
Digital book
270 x 516 x 460 cm
210 x 180 x 126 cm
19 minutes, 9 seconds
10 minutes 11 seconds
8 minutes 37 seconds
4 minutes 5 seconds
196 x 195 cm
Dimensions variable